VIDEO RELEASE: Senate Republicans Are Working to Get America Back on Track

CASPER, WY – U.S. Senator John Barrasso (R-Wyo.), chairman of the Senate Republican Conference, today released a new video blasting Joe Biden and Democrats for sending the country in the wrong direction. This video highlights how Senate Republicans are working to get America back on track.

“Joe Biden and the Democrats seem hell-bent on destroying this country,” said Sen. Barrasso. “They created and ignored a crisis at the Southern Border and a crisis of high prices. They’re bowing to Communist China – not holding an adversary accountable. Joe Biden and Democrats are undermining America’s strength. Families want the nation to change direction. Senate Republicans have solutions to get America back on track.”

Narrated by U.S. Senator Moore Capito (R-W.Va.), vice chair of the Senate Republican Conference, the video hammers Joe Biden and Democrats for creating a crisis at the Southern Border, caving to Communist China, and sending prices to record-highs.

“Senate Republicans are ready to secure the border, strengthen America and hold China accountable, and make life more affordable for every American,” said Sen. Capito. “Under the leadership of President Biden and his administration, the country is headed in the wrong direction, but Senate Republicans have solutions to get America back on track.”


CLICK HERE to learn more about how Senate Republicans are working to get America back on track.