Amendments Blocked by Open Border Democrats

Since Biden took office, Senate Democrats have voted against 22 amendments to fix the border crisis.

American Rescue Plan Budget Resolution

1.       Fund border security and the enforcement of immigration laws (R. Scott) (Rejected: 50R-48D-2I)

2.     Support the “Remain in Mexico” program (Rubio) (Rejected: 50R-48D-2I)

3.     Uphold our illegal immigration policies and strengthen MPP (Graham) (Rejected: 50R-48D-2I)

4.     Discourage sanctuary cities (Toomey) (Rejected: 50R-48D-2I)


American Rescue Plan  

5.     Care for unaccompanied alien children (Cornyn) (Rejected: 49R-48D-2I)

6.     Halt COVID cash handouts to Illegal Immigrants (Cruz) (Rejected: 49R-48D-2I)

7.      Stop aid for sanctuary cities and states (Cotton) (Rejected: 48R-48D-2I)


Tax and Spend Budget Resolution

8.     Maintain Title 42 (Cruz) (Rejected: 49R-48D-2I)

9.     Deport criminal illegal immigrants (Grassley) (Rejected: 49R-48D-2I)


Inflation Reduction Act

10.  Provide resources for the detection of illegal narcotics, including opioids, for U.S. Customs and Border Protection (Portman, part of Graham) (Rejected: 50R-48D-2I)

11.     Increase border wall funding (Sullivan) (Rejected: 50R-48D-2I)

12.    Hire Border Patrol agents before IRS agents (R. Scott) (Rejected: 50R-48D-2I)

13.    Fund ICE and deport more criminals (Hagerty) (Rejected: 50R-48D-2I)

14.    Implement and fund Title 42 deportations (Lankford) (Rejected: 50R-48D-2I)


Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2023

15.    Prohibit the end of Title 42 (Lee) (Rejected: 47R-48D-2I)


Fiscal Responsibility Act

16.    Secure the Border with H.R. 2 (Marshall) (Rejected: 46-51)


Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2024

17.    Stop illegal immigrants from being counted in the census (Hagerty) (Rejected: 45R-48D-3I)


Further Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2024

18.    Forbid federal funding for sanctuary cities (Johnson) (Motion to table agreed to: 48D-3I-47R)

19.    Restrict funding for the CBP One app (Lee) (Rejected: 45R-48D-3I)

20.    Ban federal funds from being used to secretly fly illegal aliens from other nations directly into states across the country (Hagerty) (Motion to table failed: 47R-48D-3I)

21. Take up the Laken Riley Act (Budd) (Motion to table failed: 47R – 48D – 3I)

22.    Stop illegal aliens who assault police from becoming citizens (Budd) (Motion to table failed: 47R – 48D – 3I)


During the 118th Congress, Senate Republicans have introduced 100 bills to stop the Democrat border crisis. Click Here to learn more.